We've brought together a great team to make sure the conference runs as smoothly as possible; without the generous volunteering contributions of the conference committee, there would, uh, be no conference!
Jon Kolko
executive director, design strategy - thinktiv
director, austin center for design
MJ Broadbent
managing director
Andrew Polaine
Lecturer, Lucerne School of Art & Design
IxDA interaction11 Student Design Competition Co-Chair
Angel Anderson
Associate Experience Director, Crispin Porter + Bogusky
IxDA interaction11 Local Leaders Co-Chair
Ben Fullerton
designer, adaptive path
IxDA interaction11 A/V Rockstar
Dani Malik
director of user experience, hot studio
IxDA interaction11 Design Co-Chair
David Fine
director of user experience, Time Inc.
IxDA interaction11 Sponsorship Co-Chair
Erik Gibb
director of user experience, kink.com
IxDA interaction11 Marketing Co-Chair
Jack Moffett
senior interaction designer, inmedius
IxDA interaction11 Logistics Co-Chair
Josh Williams
director, product strategy, hot studio
IxDA interaction11 Marketing Co-Chair
Joshua Kaufmann
interaction designer, punchcut
IxDA interaction11 Local Leaders Co-Chair
Kim Bieler
owner, APT media
IxDA interaction11 Student Volunteer Chair
Laurie Lamar
user experience designer
IxDA interaction11 Boulder Events Chair
Liz Danzico
chair, MFA in Interaction Design Program, SVA
IxDA interaction11 Student Design Competition Co-Chair
Mark Schraad
manager, information architecture, sears
IxDA interaction11 Sponsorship Chair
Sherry Smith
senior account manager, conference and logistics consultants
IxDA interaction11 Logistics Queen
Susan Dybbs
lead user experience designer and researcher
IxDA interaction11 Design Co-Chair
Questions? Talk to us! interaction@ixda.org
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